Train the RYA way

RYA to give free training sessions at RIBEX

The RYA will run free training taster sessions during RIBEX at Cowes Yacht Haven from 8-10 May.

Mendez Marine will head the initiative offering the use of two Ribcraft RIBs throughout the show.

The RYA say that sessions will last roughly 30 minutes and will be run by expert RYA graded tutors.

RYA motor cruising project manager Andrew Norton says: “This is a great event for anyone interested in RIBs.

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“Training is vital for anyone getting out on the water not only from a safety point of view but also so they can fully enjoy the fun, so these free sessions will give visitors a real flavour of what is involved.”

To get the free training you simply have to sign up on the RYA trailer at the event with bookings being taken on a first come first served basis.

For more information on RIBEX 2009 go to the website. 
