LPG rally on Isle of Wight

Users and trade members gather to offer advice for anyone interested

Two LGP users are inviting anyone interested in knowing more about the benefits of the alternative fuel to a rally on 21 October.

The event will be held at Bembridge on the Isle of Wight and should see long-standing LPG users as well as members of the trade attend.

People interested in converting their boats to run additionally on LPG will be given practical advice and updates on the fuel’s status.

LPG costs a fraction of the price of petrol or diesel, but the number of pumps around the UK coast is limited. Users hope to widen the number of users and increase the fuel’s availability.

Lifts to Bembridge can be organised.

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Bembridge need to know rough numbers, so anyone interested is asked to contact Walter Scott on drwfscott@btopenworld.com or Matthew Guille on 01489 589483 or by email on matthew.guille@port.ac.uk as soon as possible.
