Exciting new videos

Great new videos from July MBY

As well as snapping away all month, Lester has been busy with the video camera as well.

Included in the latest issue ofMBYare the new Fairline Squadron 65, Oyster OM43 and Jet RIBs from Avon and Williams.

Chief boat tester David Marsh was taken by the wondrous VIP forward cabin on the Fairline, brilliant use of glass and probably the finest transom shower ever conceived. Follow the link to see the Fairline Squadron 65 in a hearty Solent chop.

The Oyster OM43 is a two cabin version of the LD43 that we tested in July 2007, making it an infinitely more capable cruiser. Other minor changes have been made but the Hamilton water jets remain as do the classic lines.

The jet RIB test gave us a great chance to try two stalwarts of the market head to head, Williams and Avon. Follow the links to see videos of the Avon Seasport Jet 320 and 430 and Williams 385 and 445 .


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