Boat Fail: Truck driver forgets handbrake on Spanish car ferry

Boarding a car ferry is hardly rocket science, but some people make it look much harder than it is

We’ve all been there – you board the car ferry and head upstairs, but there’s that sneaking suspicion in the back of your mind that you might have forgotten something. Wallet? Keys? Phone? Handbrake?

This week’s Boat Fail proves that it’s always worth double-checking before rushing to the duty free for cheap Toberlones or out onto the deck to wave to your loved ones.

We can only speculate as to whether or not he saw the funny side, but this particular truck driver was certainly in for a shock after failing to take all the necessary precautions.

After boarding an Acciona Trasmediterranea ferry bound for the Spanish town of Cueta, it quickly became apparent that something was wrong, badly wrong.

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We don’t want to completely give the game away, so click on the video below and thank your lucky stars that it wasn’t you, this time.

There but for the grace of God and all that…


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