BBC accused of provoking ‘Asbo swan’ on River Cam

The BBC's One Show has come under attack for provoking an infamously aggressive swan into attacking a canoeist

On Monday’s The One Show a piece of footage was shown of a swan on the River Cam apparently attacking a passing canoeist but the scene was deliberately set up, it has been claimed.

The swan, nicknamed Mr Asbo, made the news last year after its territorial behaviour during breeding season caused it to capsize at least one boat as it defended its nest.

However, on this occasion locals say the swan was deliberately provoked into attacking the canoeist.

Michelle Childerley, a psychic and swan whisperer, told the Metro:

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“They asked the canoeists to go close to see what response they could get. But Mr Asbo flew away downriver and the boys were told to go after him. The boys came back in the canoe and he went for them. It was disgraceful – car crash TV at its worse.”

A spokesperson for The One Show said, “The team took care not to cause any unnecessary stress to the swans.”

UPDATE: Since running the story yesterday, Tina Meftah has sent this picture in of her friend Sally with the swan in question to ‘prove’ that it normally has a friendly demeanour.

The Asbo swan is not always aggressive
