Day 6 Paris

Boats head towards the Ile de France Yacht Club, the penultimate stop before Paris

Slowly does it

With two locks and 50 miles to run, it was an early alarm call for the Venables boats. By 0730 all boats were departing the marina bound for the Ile de France Yacht Club. It was a slightly later start of 1000 for the Vernon boats as they had 31 miles and just one lock to run. The roles will be reversed on the return leg.

Navigation lights were needed as the Venables boats snaked their way through the low lying morning mist. It’s been a grey, overcast day with a couple of brief sunny spells but the weather still remained warm and muggy. Some said it was a welcome relief after yesterday’s scorcher.

The MBM team finally managed to get some petrol for support RIB Time Flies. Claire accompanied a few fleet boats into marina basin Port de I’lion to refuel. The cost of diesel was €1.22 per litre and €1.42 per litre for petrol.

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The fleet are now at the Ile de France Yacht Club in Les Mureux, where there are a few restaurants and a very good supermarket within 10 minutes walk. A 1900 briefing was held in the shadow of the yacht club where Neale detailed plans for tomorrow’s passage to Paris, he described as ‘the longest passage yet’. Boats will be departing at 0700

Beneteau Swift Trawler Knot Again on passage (top), Picture postcard – Broom 41 Olympia with Parisian backdrop (middle) and Sunset at Ile de France Yacht Club (bottom)

Day 7



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