Day 14 – Normandy cruise

Weather dictates that the fleet remains in Saint Valery-en Caux, but admittedly there are far worse places to be stuck

I was rudely awoken this morning at 3.30am by the sound of squeaking lines and water bashing against the hull but thankfully I was soon able to get back to sleep.

When I woke properly the wind and swell in the harbour seemed to have abated but it soon became evident that it was still a bit too sloppy to attempt a Channel crossing.

Nevertheless the fleet is in good spirits and has used the time to visit the nearby market, make the most of the local langoustines and do some exploring further afield.

The MBM crew caught up with Tim and Tally from Portunas as they returned from a cycle ride to Veules-les-Roses and we invited them on board for afternoon tea.


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One boat did decide to depart St Valery-en-Caux today. The crew of Rosie D left the harbour at 3pm and they have now arrived in Cherbourg safely, albeit a little behind schedule. Graham and Caroline and the kids now plan to make their way on to Jersey – bon voyage guys!

The MBM crew has just returned from a lovely meal at Le Restaurant Du Port,  where most of the small restaurant was taken up by other boats from the fleet, including Foxy Lady, Mon Plaisir, Icarus of Poole, AquaVit, Portunas, Blue Chip, Allora and Tally Ho. And it is Rachel from Mon Plaisir’s birthday tomorrow – happy birthday Rachel!

Rachel's birthday, Mon Plaisir

It’s possible we will make our Channel crossing tomorrow, Neale will check the weather in the morning and if it looks OK we may well send the RIB out when the gate opens for the afternoon tide to check conditions in the Channel. If Claire and Richard give the sea the thumbs up the first boats will depart from around 2.30pm onwards.


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