Dangerous wives and hot plates

Our editor gets into hot water with a strict security guard and an over-worked chef

Extraordinary scenes at the show as security staff let slip their biggest concern while down on the pontoons a unique moment in sportscruiser history occurred when a boat grill was used in anger.

First off though, the news that wives, that most dangerous of demographics, could be planning to maraud through the boat show. The problem was brought to MBM’s attention as we sauntered to the press office.

Security guards pounced, demanding paperwork and to know our intentions. When we questioned the motives for this interrogation we were given the rather odd explanation that people’s wives were known to be sneaking in, disguised as journalists and left free to totter around, no doubt buying shoes and gilets as they go.

Once happy that we were not hiding any married women about our persons, we were allowed to pass. Rumours that this hard line on wives has been brought in to protect mistresses at the show could not be confirmed.

From one grilling to another: the debut of the Monterey 415, the largest model ever shown in the UK by the American sportscruiser specialist, was the scene of a culinary first when food was cooked on a cockpit grill. Chef Tristan Cole knocked up a feast of fillet steak and prawn kebabs for owners and visitors alike. In line with MBM’s usual hard-hitting journalistic policy we carried out an in-depth test of Tristan’s work, but sadly we were forcibly ejected by staff when the fifth course was demanded.

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Caption: Carl and Tristan in happier times and (below) the mother of all security gates


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