We look back at some of the best efforts to blend automotive and nautical design, from Bugatti to Skoda
The recent news that Mercedes Benz Style is nearly ready to launch its eagerly awaited Silver Arrows Marine 460GT got us thinking.
This trend for bringing supercar styling onto the water seems to be becoming more and more popular recently, but how many of them actually make it onto the water?
The short answer is, not that many, but does it really matter? Maybe we should be flattered that so many illustrious car manufacturers want to borrow a bit of nautical cool.
And perhaps it cuts both ways, after all boat designers have always taken a few styling ideas from the automotive world.
To get a better idea of what these designs all have in common (apart from flat-out speed), we’ve brought together six of the best from over the years.
Click on the gallery below to see our favourite supercar motorboat crossovers and don’t forget to comment and let us know which one you’d most like to own.

Silver Arrows Marine 460GT

Bugatti PJ63 Niniette

Aston Martin AM37

Riva Ferrari 32

AMG Cigarette 50 Marauder