Record RIB re-launched

Spirit of Cardiff, Alan Priddy's world record bid RIB, is fully repaired and is expected to re-start this morning

Spirit of Cardiff, Alan Priddy’s world record bid RIB, is fully repaired and in the water in Valletta Harbour. A collision earlier in the week with an uncharted fish farm ripped the outdrive from the transom causing the RIB to be put out of action. Repairs have now been made and the team are raring to go.

With high winds continuing yesterday and through the night, skipper Alan Priddy elected to remain in Malta last night, and is expected to complete the Gibraltar to Malta leg officially today.

The crew have received a good weather forecast for the next 5 days. That should see them through Suez and on our way to Jeddah, during which they hope to make up some of their lost time.
